/Google Ads Verification Program Offers Hope to Computer Repair Businesses

Google Ads Verification Program Offers Hope to Computer Repair Businesses

Google Ads Verification Program Offers Hope to Computer Repair Businesses


Google announced on April 23rd, 2020 that they will be rolling out a verification program for advertisers using their Google Ads platform. Advertisers will be required to submit personal identification, business incorporation documents, or other information that proves who they are and the country in which they operate. This announcement from Google offers hope to local computer repair businesses everywhere who’ve had their ads removed from the Google Ads platform over the last two years.





Google Ads Verification Program Offers Hope to Computer Repair Businesses




Google announced on April 23rd, 2020 that they will be rolling out a verification program for advertisers using their Google Ads platform. Advertisers will be required to submit personal identification, business incorporation documents, or other information that proves who they are and the country in which they operate. This announcement from Google offers hope to local computer repair businesses everywhere who’ve had their ads removed from the Google Ads platform over the last two years.


Suggested article: Increasing transparency through advertiser identity verification


Google Ads provides a great opportunity for almost any business to place ads online using Google’s platform. They are driven by keyword searches such that, when a prospective client types a search term into Google, a number of ads are triggered and shown at the top and bottom of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Advertisers conduct research to ascertain the most effective keywords a customer might use to find them, and then compete with other advertisers to achieve one of the positions at the top of the page.


I launched my own computer repair business from scratch at the beginning of 2016. Apart from a few friends I began with no customers and implemented a number of local and digital marketing strategies in order to begin to acquire clients. Through the use of Google Ads I was able to grow the business rapidly and these ads quickly became my main source of new leads.


I continued to use Google Ads over the coming years, whilst my business also continued to grow through repeat custom, word of mouth and other effective marketing strategies. Then in early 2019 I started receiving emails from Google informing me that my ads were now being disapproved. Over the coming weeks all the ads I had been serving on their platform were gradually removed. I adjusted the ad copy and the landing pages, I tried call only ads, but in every case these new ads were disapproved in the same way as my existing ads.