/Spooning a Banana

Spooning a Banana

Spooning a Banana

In 2008, during a classroom break, as I sat around a table with a dozen people I met four days before, a youthful lady took a banana out of her bag, hulled it half way, also she took out a ladle and began to sculpt the hulled banana into ladle- sized mouthfuls.




She carried on normal discussion while she fed herself laded pieces of the banana. I had noway ahead seen or heard of anyone who ate a banana that way. My other classmates didn’t act as if anything about this was unusual. There was another detail that I’ll reveal at the end of this composition.





This is 2021, and commodity touched off my memory of the event. Now, I can say, thirteen times latterly, that it still is the only time I’ve ever seen or heard of anyone who ate a banana that way. You may be familiar with the Jerry Seinfeld TV comedy series. Season six featured an occasion named,” The Pledge Drive,” in which Elaine’s master unmasked a Snickers Bar.




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