/The Story of Turkish Coffee

The Story of Turkish Coffee

The Story of Turkish Coffee

In 1540, the Ottoman Ruler of the country of Yemen, Ozdemir Pasha, inquired about a hot liquid that the locals produced from the sap of a factory. He came the first Turkish sovereign to taste coffee. But, was it what we know moment to be” Turkish Coffee.” presumably not.





Still, the aroma, if not the taste, intrigued the man enough for him to order his retainers to tinker with it. Some unknown menial discovered that the flavor of coffee came more important if the sap were roasted, also veritably finely ground. No bone allowed to sludge the grounds also, nor is that done for Turkish Coffee moment.





The art of having coffee developed about how it was served as important as on how it was created. On or about the time 1555, Pasha felt that the coffee was perfected well enough for him to have his retainers to serve it to Suleiman the magnific, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.





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