/Follow these tips to protect your cryptocurrencies

Follow these tips to protect your cryptocurrencies


Follow these tips to protect your cryptocurrencies


Look before you leap! Before investing in a cryptocurrency, be sure you understand how it works, where it can be used, and how to exchange it. Read the webpages for the currency itself (such as Ethereum, Bitcoin or Litecoin) so that you fully understand how it works, and read independent articles on the cryptocurrencies you are considering as well.


Use a trustworthy wallet. It is going to take some research on your part to choose the right wallet for your needs. If you choose to manage your cryptocurrency wallet with a local application on your computer or mobile device, then you will need to protect this wallet at a level consistent with your investment.


Just like you wouldn’t carry a million dollars around in a paper bag, don’t choose an unknown or lesser-known wallet to protect your cryptocurrency. You want to make sure that you use a trustworthy wallet.


Have a backup strategy. Think about what happens if your computer or mobile device (or wherever you store your wallet) is lost or stolen or if you don’t otherwise have access to it. Without a backup strategy, you will have no way of getting your cryptocurrency back, and you could lose your investment.