/Vital Tips for Project Planning

Vital Tips for Project Planning


Vital Tips for Project Planning

Every project needs a robust plan underpinning it. That plan should be in place long before you even think about taking your project live. This applies whether you’re using the waterfall management method or lean towards the Agile method. Without a plan, your project will fail. As such, accurate, correct planning is absolutely vital. It can also be difficult to do, even for experienced PMs with the help of fully engaged stakeholders. Here are a few vital tips to help you plan your project correctly.


Visual Aids Are Important


A picture is worth a thousand words, goes the old adage, and that’s definitely true in the world of project management. You need visual aids to help you and your team members visualize the sequential process of moving from one task to another throughout the lifespan of the project. In a nutshell, this is really nothing more than a diagram showing the progress from one task to another, as well as the dependencies between each task. With visual aids, the path forward is much clearer. While you might think that you have an accurate mental picture of what needs to happen and how things will play out, having a physical representation is important.