Why We Still Play Retro Games

I have had numerous conversations with people who ask me why I’m still playing antique games when there are newer games that are visually more on the request. Why am I still interested in playing old hall classics similar as Donkey Kong orMr. Do. Why have I spent a lot of time tracking down games I used to play on systems similar as the Atari St, Spectrum, and Amiga when I can just buy a PS4 and play these amazing games with fancy plates and goods. What have aged games and systems got that the rearmost consoles haven’t?






The world has programmed us to keep up with the times by replacing the old with the new. I replaced my Atari 2600 with a Spectrum, also latterly with an Atari ST, also an Amiga, and eventually several PCs, each one further important than the last. Out with the old and in with the new is how we live our lives. Why go back to commodity inferior when you have commodity much better?






I’ve happy recollections of discovering these systems for the first time. Playing classic adventure games similar as The Secret of ST Misters and Twin Kingdom Valley on the Diapason gives me a warm fuzzy feeling when I flash back them. Allowing of the numerous happy hours in my bedroom playing Chuckie Egg and trying to get past the near insolvable position 40 to complete the game. elevation to an Atari ST and being wowed by hearing tried sounds in a game for the first time. I forcefully believe that a game does not inescapably need amazing plates and goods. It’s the pleasure you get out of a game that counts.



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