
How to run more effective meetings

How to run more effective meetings


Leading team meetings is a key responsibility for every project manager. Employees need to come together on a regular basis to ensure that assignments will be completed by their deadlines and that no one is struggling with his or her portion of the work.


Conferences allow staff members to collaborate and discuss production strategies for the project. While it’s important that workers be allowed to voice their thoughts during meetings, leaders have to take charge and ensure that the conversations are productive.


To maintain better control over your next meeting, use the following tips to your advantage.


Preparation is the key


You should never hold a meeting without knowing exactly what you want to talk about beforehand. If you’re just inviting workers into a room to hold an open forum, the resulting discussion likely won’t bear fruit because of a lack of direction. Before the conference you should think about at least three key topics that you want your team to talk about.


Additionally, you need time to create supporting materials like visual aids. Determine whether you need a slide show or video for your presentation and then ensure that the resource enhances your talking points without distracting from the discussion.

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