/What are Native Ads and Sponsored Content?

What are Native Ads and Sponsored Content?


What are Native Ads and Sponsored Content?

Sponsored content and native advertising are examples of paid media strategies. They are made to fit the form and function of the surrounding editorial content on a webpage. Thus, it appears “native” to the page. The main difference is that native advertising is more like a traditional ad, while sponsored content is more like a media placement.

Native ads contain a headline and description to encourage users to click on the link. Users are then led to an article on a brand’s website or other sponsored content. Sponsored content is a piece of brand journalism that lives on a publisher’s website. It’s usually written by the publisher’s staff, so the article matches the tone and voice of the rest of their content. Sponsored content is a great way to promote a brand in content the audience is already familiar with. Each type serves a different purpose and will be most effective depending on what the brand hopes to achieve.