/Change Your PS4’s Hard Drive

Change Your PS4’s Hard Drive

Change Your PS4’s Hard Drive

The PlayStation 4 launched with a 500 gigabyte hard drive. How lovable ! They suppose 500 gigabytes is enough data! Hey, Sony! This is not 2008. 500 gigs is not going to cut it. Not when you are games have obligatory installs. Not when your games are 40 to 50 gigs a piece. You are making us juggle data.





That is fine with smartphones, where apps can be deleted and reinstalled in 30 seconds. It’s not OK when your games are absolutely massive, and can take a couple HOURS to install games. Why would you not transport with at least a terabyte? It’s ridiculous! You can shut up too, Microsoft.





You packed with the same size hard drive! Not only that, but at least Sony vessels with your average normal laptop hard drive. With your press you have to buy a personal drive. So, let me say this with as important professionalism I can muster.





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