/Drinking Tea While Eating to Lose Weight

Drinking Tea While Eating to Lose Weight

Drinking Tea While Eating to Lose Weight


This isn’t new. We know the Japanese way of drinking or belting tea while they eat, but why could we not do this?

rotundity has come a worldwide” epidemic”. Factors include not eating a balanced diet and lack of exercise, but the most one we should consider serious is lack of sleep or this abnormal resting pattern. We tend to eat our night snack when hunger strikes.






And yet, we’ve to work. numerous of us work night shift, so there’s a lesser tendency we eat at night or during the inactive hours of our body. Night time until dawn is when the body should be replenishing and should be flushing out the poisons accumulated in it.






likewise, since we sleep during the day, we find no time for exercise, so there’s a big chance to develop this mild to severe rotundity.We substantially use carbohydrates, which is substantially glucose, from what we eat. Left unused, this turns into fat. This fat is stored in our cells, so we shouldn’t wonder why we can not get relieve of the love handles.



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