/A Brief History Of Chocolate

A Brief History Of Chocolate

A Brief History Of Chocolate

Chocolate is one of the most popular and loved sweet treats around the world. It’s loved in all feathers of shapes and sizes- bars, delicacy, spreadable chocolate, chocolate saccharinity. you name it. Everything that’s created from chocolate leaves utmost of us wanting further. But, how did this inconceivable cate come to life? Who was the genius that decided to produce it? Chocolate had an inconceivable trip throughout our history, ending up in ultramodern times where it’s still favoured among sweet- toothed suckers looking for sweetened satisfaction.





Cacao seeds grow naturally on trees, so it was not long until the ancient populations in Mesoamerica, where it all began, discovered the taste and parcels of cacao. Chocolate started being consumed as a liquid, a drink made out of cacao seeds where spices and indeed wine was added; giving it a rather bitter taste and not the sweet bone






we all know and love. It was believed that this libation had aphrodisiac parcels, a story that still persist moment but is yet to be proven. In the 16th century, the early chocolate reached Europe, where sugar was added to the admixture. The advanced classes to consumed it at first, but it soon reached the’ common’ people, who enjoyed it as well. The word” chocolate” comes from” chocolatl”, which is Classical Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs.




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